The playback was something amazing, I had a very good time and something that will always m'en enrecordare long.
I liked the playback of most things but one, which I did not like was that day that we go to rehearse many people arrived late or was outright and that bothered me somewhat, but was great!

It's my favorite anime series, long time ago that I look, even a cartoon, and everyone thinks that child, I not only look but to be drawings throughout the story behind . It is about a hidden treasure that the pirates have found. Special abilities also appear because some people have eaten some fruits that come out, called the devil's fruit and each one is unique and gives you eat it on a supernatural power.

This song is one of my favorites. At first I did not like much but when I started listening a few times I started to like until you finally hear every day. I like it because is very good, and the song transimte me happiness.

1.The first time I spoke with her, it was for Messenger. We said hello and little things, but next year, at High school, we were in the same class.

2. The first we knew very little and almost never greeted us, but this year we know we have finished because there is always the whole group of friends, and soon we became good friends

Lately, the books have changed if we talk about the books we use at school is becoming less work and more books are simple, this is the fault of society, hence the books two or three years will and all will be portable Internet, as the notes hang in the university on a web page and bring him books every day ad'institut end.

"Doctor, doctor, my hair is falling out on me. Can you give me something to keep it?""Yes, of course. Here's a shoe box."

I love this picture because it is original and unusual. I was in a park in Rome. I removed the shoes, was a relaxing moment. We were very tired because we walked all day, I also like photography so much money goes a very green grass and the quality of the image.

Good experiences:

1. Un weekend I went with my friends in FATA.

2. When I bought my first and only dog

3. The years I've been playing football.

Bad experiences

1. When he was little and we moved house I fell to the stairs and I got a cut but was not very serious.

2. The dog of my grandparents said that I was lost in the left arm and bite me have put that one point.

3. Some friends who lived near my house that they have moved to Andalusia.


1. What do you know about Romeo and Juliet?
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written early in the career of playwright William Shakespeare. It was a most popular works of Shakespeare during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet and Macbeth, is one of his most frequent. Today, the title characters are rewarded as Archetypes of young lovers.

2. When it was written?
Is believed to be written between 1591 and 1595, the work was first published in a quarto version in 1597

3. What kind of text is: novel, poem or play?
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy

4. What is the origin of the story?

5. Who is the author?
William Shakespeare.

6. Where was the author?
Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon.

7. Others know it works?
Hamlet and Macbeth

8. Who was the king / queen in his country when he wrote Romeo and Juliet?

9. It was he / she is important? Why?
Yes, it was important because at that time England was quiet and peace.

10. What social norms that exist in every moment that the young and the marriage?
The rules that had at that time for marriage was that your stop either had to chose who you marry and you could not say no.

Positive aspects:
1. Having a body at home have a friendly company
2. When t'avurreixes can play and entertain at home with the dog.
3. You get home happy and always greets you want or do not always like this.

Negative aspects:
1. You can take it traveling because there are rules that do not leave.
2. You have to look after him and take care of it and walks out to ...
3. When he was little he always did their needs for home and was upset.

What you get

I love this music because it is so beautiful, it combines relaxed house music with lyrics. There is also added and this remix makes the song that can sing when you listen to enjoy it more.

What You Get
Junior Caldera

Standing on shoulders hoping to find what never existed/mantenint-te al les espatlles esperant trobar el que mai va existir
You know it ain’t easy stumbling blind/saps que no serà facil entrabancar-te cec

Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé

You took all your dreams and shot them to space/vas agafar tots els teus somnis i els vas disparar a l'espai
You believed good would come of it/vas creure que el bé vindria d'això
Yet so unspecific and you fell on your face/ però tan inespecífic i et vs caure a la teva cara

Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé

You carry the wounded and heal the infected/vas carregar al ferit i vas curar a l'infectat
in hopes of healing your own/esperant curar-te a tu mateix
It’s so unexpected when we all die alone/és tant inesperat quan morim sols

Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé

It’s what you get,/és el que obtens
It’s how you’re measured/és com estàs mesurat
It’s all your pain mixed with so much pleasure/és com el dolor combinat amb molt plaer
It’s what you get,/és el que obtens
It’s all you’ve ever wanted/és tot el que sempre has volgut
It’s all you’ve dreamed and somehow forgotten/és tot el que havies somiat i que algu havia oblidat
It’s what you get, your truth and your lies/és el que obtens, la teva veritat i la teva mentida
It’s all you believe and all you deny/ és tot en el que tu creus i que no acceptes
It’s all you set free and all you enslave/és tot el que t'alliberarà i t'esclavitzarà
Remember your dreams are never thrown away/ recorda que els teus somnis mai seràn inalcançables

Well, this is what you get,/be, això es el que obtens
for now/per ara
This is what you get,/això es el que obtens
and how it hurts/i quin mal que fa
Own it well/tingueu bé

The film that I enjoyed more than seeing recordu avatar is that I went to see a movie with 3D effects are all very well done and the story too, apart from the application with 3D film is very nice, the favorite scene is when the main character is the front of the whole race and avatar says do not let its territory and destroy the tone of voice that says I really enjoyed.


Es un local on fiquen musica house, dance... i durant els ultims mesos, casi cada cap de setmana hi anava amb els amics, perquè hi ha molt bon ambient. es com qualsevol pab normal, hi ha les dues tipiques zones, que son la de estar amb uns sofas molt comodes i unes tauletes per ficar les begudes i despres la zona de ball que es petita pero s'hi esta molt be.

My experience on this year's carnival I liked it because part of the dress of Robin Hood, we went to all the carnivals that were around my village and time to the path of the floats some di sfresses were very original, which I did not like was the music that stuck was too slow, but it was very good.